Donate association boxes
People in Sierra Leone need your help
We ask for your discarded first aid boxes (association boxes)
Please donate them!
In the country that is always in the last places at the UN Development Scala, there are many things that we take for granted.
The medical care in the villages – the first aid stations, the schools – is extremely inadequate. There are no financial means to meet the basic needs for primary care (association funds, etc.). But 5,000 km from Sierra Leone, here in the north in Berlin and the Federal Republic of Germany, the association boxes of our cars are replaced every five years. The law, the DIN standard, requires this.
Our idea
However, most of the first aid kits are still well usable. This, our “precious waste”, which we make disappear in the basement or even really in the garbage, can save lives in Sierra Leone and other countries. The first good wound care is almost always decisive for this.
The idea also follows a principle of the so-called 3R
- reduce . Not necessarily needed here.
- Reuse – continue to use it. The core of our campaign
- recycle – recycle. Pass on everything medically and hygienically impeccable from the dressing boxes for use
We ask for your discarded first aid kits.
Please donate them!We ensure professional use. Trained personnel separate the still good components of the first aid kits from the rest. Our friends in Sierra Leone distribute the first aid kits in the communities, schools and first aid stations. With this idea and your help, better primary care can reduce the mortality rate in Sierra Leone.

Please send your car and truck dressing boxes to:
Supporting Association Hans-Böckler-Schule z.Hd. N.Hoffmann
Lobeckstr. 76
10969 Berlin
or to the warehouse at the partner’s place:
Verbandskasten 2.0 e.V.
Hans-Stockmar Straße 26
24568 Kaltenkirchen
These dressing boxes are received again and again with great pleasure.
The schools and hospital wards in Sierra Leone would like to thank all donors.
Donate association boxes -
An initiative in cooperation with the Hans-Böckler-Schule
10969 Berlin Lobeckstr. 76
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