Wind energy

Each area of this earth needs its own energy source.
A renewable form of energy that is also sufficiently available there.

In addition to the infinite solar (sun) energy
is wind energy, the subject of this page. An outstanding source of energy.

But if you are looking for a “right” system, you will face questions about size, yield and cost. The offer for this is huge worldwide. Just search the internet!
In search of a system that corresponds to our idea to enable all functional contents by self-construction of a wind turbine, we came across the DIY Open Source System by Hugh Piggot.

We were lucky to find experts here in Berlin who have already built several wind turbines according to the principle of Hugh Piggot.

Bintumani D-SL builds a first wind turbine for the EDUREC training center in Freetown in Berlin in 2018, under the guidance of KITRAD (ERNI).
A working
illustrative model.

Copyright: EcoAfrica / Deutsche Welle (DW). Daniele Späth Videojournalistin|Redakteurin|Reporterin

In the construction process, everyone has learned that it is possible to build a working wind turbine in a manageable time and cost.

Many thanks to Immanuel and Simon, from KitRad (ERNI) who guided us wonderfully.

The first self-built wind turbine in Sierra Leone!


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In a five-day workshop, more than 35 young women and men built the first self-built wind turbine for Sierra Leone.

Many thanks to MAX from the ERNI Windradkollektiv. He has prepared and led the course in the capital Freetown with great commitment.

All materials, materials and micro-tools for the construction of this small wind turbine plant are available in Sierra Leone. Only the magnets for the generator were sourced from great Britain.

If you have any questions, contact us:

Contact the ERNI Windradkollektiv:

Curriculum: 5 days workshop

Keynote speech on the EDUREC project in Berlin.
Lecture at the SRH University in Berlin in Dec 2019.

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