First aid kits handed over

Our partners, the “barefoor women solar Engineers”, have handed over further boxes of dressing material to 15 health stations and schools in the last few days:
1. Our Lady of Kwama Secondary school 2.Crossing Community Health Clinic(C.H.C) 3.CHC Mahineh/Masorie 4.CHC.-Caritas Clinic ; mile 3 Newton 5.CHC.Makonkonday 6.CHC Sumbuya 7. CHC.Kussy Koya. 8.CHC Madaka 9. CHC.Songo 10. CHC Makohbeh 10. Meni-curves 11.CHC Komrabai Gnola 12.CHC Newton 13.CHC Mile 38 14. CHC Sella- Kafta; Kambia 15.CHC Maforkie ;Old portlok

In the telephone conversations with the Barefoot women, they confirmed again what a great help these first aid kits are. We should and would like to thank all donors.


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