Hospitals and hospital wards

With the construction and operation of hospital wards and hospitals, many NGOs from Germany take responsibility for the care of the Sierra Leonean population. Far away from the few state hospitals and larger towns, medical care is organized. In financial and personal use, Sierra-Leonic doctors and nurses from Germany are supported and provided with medical equipment.

  • Lion for Lion
    • Lion for Lion Health Center in Brigitte Village
    • ADRA Hospital in Waterloo
  • Globolab
    • St. John of God in Lunsar
  • Bintumani D-SL
    • UBC Hospital in Mattru Jong
  • Verrein Sierra Leone Baden-Württemberg
    • Health centre in Rorainka with teaching practice
  • Help directly- Oldenburg
    • Gila Hospital in Bo
    • Infirmary in Telu
    • Maternity ward in Kenema
  • forikolo
    • Kalangba Junction Hospital
  • One Day
    • Bo

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